The People's Picturehouse presents
Can you write, shoot and edit a five-minute movie in just 48 hours? The Picturehouse is hosting Cork's first ever 48-Hour Filmmaking Challenge from 12pm Friday the 26th of July to 12pm Sunday the 28th!
Announcement Party - 5pm, 20th of July at Gaia
Come to Gaia where we'll announce the rules, the judges and the prizes!
Screening & Awards - 5pm 28th of July at The Pav
The big day! After 48 tough hours, sit back and watch your masterpiece with your fellow competitors!
All your team has to start with is a title! The Registration deadline is midnight, 19th of July 2024.

48-Hour Big Facts
The Cork City 48-Hour Challenge is taking place from Midday Friday 26th of July to midday Sunday 28th of July.
Teams must register their interest via our website and teams must submit a title for their film at this time.
The registration deadline is midnight, 19th of July 2024.
You will receive an email confirmation if your registration is accepted.
All writing, shooting and editing must take place within the allotted 48 hours.
The Picturehouse 48 team members reserve the right to check the metadata on competitors’ footage, script documents etc, if there is any suspicion that footage has been pre-shot.
Use of VFX, stock footage and royalty free music is accepted, though original score is highly encouraged!
The film must be five minutes in length (excluding end credits).
The film may be in any language, however it should be subtitled if in any language other than english.
Films can be filmed outside of Cork City, however teams must be present at the Pavilion at 5pm on Sunday the 28th of July to be considered eligible for award.
The films will have to adhere to a number of rules (these may range from specified genres, themes, props or dialogue) - the general rules will be announced at our Announcement Party at 5pm on the 20th of July at Gaia.
The Best Film will be judged both on its quality as a film but also how well it has adhered to, subverted or played within, the rules applied.
As well as the General Rules, each individual team will receive a specific rule or rules.
Your team will only be sent your specific set of rules at midday on Friday the 26th of July. This is the starting pistol!
The films must be submitted via our website by no later than 12:00pm on Sunday the 28th of July to be eligible for award, though if late we may still screen your film ahead of the others.
Films will screen in reverse order of delivery i.e the last film submitted will be on first.
The films will be judged by a panel of judges including professionals in the film industry and representatives from Indie Cork Film Festival.
There will be awards for Best Film, Best Script, Best Editor, Best Cinematography, Two Acting Awards, Best Music and an Audience Award.
Once you have been officially accepted for the challenge, we will ask for a list of your crew and contact details.
The winner of Best Film will have a guaranteed screening slot at Indie Cork Film Festival.
If you are interested in participating but don’t have a team, send on some details about you and your skills set and we’ll try and see if we can find a team for you to work with.
If you need actors or more hands for your team, let us know and we’ll put a call out through our socials and contacts.