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March 2024 Showcase Trailer

Out of Frame and the People’s Picturehouse present their first ever official collaboration:

A Cork Migrant Filmmakers Special on this March.

Both OOF’s Film Talk and the PPH’s Screening will be dedicated to the many filmmakers of Cork who found their new home in the city. We will focus on films that deal with immigration, displacement, different cultures, new beginnings and the question of home. We are proud to showcase the diversity of Cork’s film scene.

If you are a migrant filmmaker in Cork or if you have made a film fitting our theme, please submit your project to the People’s Picturehouse submission page. Link in Bio.

Deadline Sunday 24th March

🎬 Out of Frame – Round 6

Cork’s Monthly Film Talk

24th March, 7pm at the Roundy

Introducing three filmmakers

🎬 The People’s Picturehouse

Cork’s Monthly Short Film Screening

27th March, 7pm at the Pav

An evening of short films

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