Doors at 7pm, Wednesday 29th of November
Part 1:
Alphabet Soup - Conor Flynn
Not A Dry Eye In The House - @kevinwalsh.music
Diva and the Sound Man - @emmacoleman__
Work from Yulia Tiulkina @juliepourlavie
That Guy You Always Meet in the Smoking Area Just Wandered into My Backyard - @mcsweeneyfilms
Cleaner - @lesleyconroyactor
Part 2:
Rounding Bends - @alex.eydt
Mourning Murder - @cardigan_coot
Thirst - @davidmurphyfilm
Chris ist Nicht Mehr Hier - @ben_rupprecht
Wireless - @brian_benjamin_dwyer
There’s Good in Goodbye - @emilyterrie
The Blue Ball - @allthatcanbe